Awarded the Gruenstein Award for work on Andrea Antico

Alexander was awarded The Diapason’s first Gruenstein Award for excellence in scholarly work. His article on Andrea Antico’s Frottole intabulate da sonari organi, libro primo (1517) was published in the April 2020 issue of The Diapason

Alexander’s work on Andrea Antico solidified when he was awarded a substantial grant from the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance studies to spend a portion of summer 2016 abroad. His research involved exploring and recording Andrea Antico’s Frottole intabulate da sonare organi, Libro primo published in Rome, 1517. This underappreciated collection contains twenty-six arrangements of frottole, a genre of late-fifteenth, early-sixteenth-century popular Italian song. This project aims to reevaluate the publication’s musical contents as well as placing it more broadly in the early decades of print culture.

Listen to excerpts from this charming collection and visit Alexander’s YouTube channel to explore the entire collection recorded on a wide variety of historic instruments.

Alexander Meszler